How To Make A Random Hookup Into A Summer Fling
Have a recent hookup that you're hoping to keep hooking up with throughout the summer? Lucky for you, we've dedicated an entire article on how to make a random hookup into a summer fling! Having a summer fling doesn't mean you have a relationship, it just means that you get to have great sex and hang out with someone casually all summer! It's a great situation for everyone involved, but first you need to find that person. If you're hooking up regularly it's not going to be hard; you have tons of options to choose from already!
We're going to tell you exactly what you need to do to keep hooking up with this random hookup throughout the summer, turning your one-time awesome night into an unforgettable summer fling! Who wouldn't jump at the chance to have amazing sex with no strings attached, and have someone to go the beach with all-in-one? Making a random hookup into a summer fling is going to be much easier than you might have thought, and we're about to prove it! There are two main ways to do this, so get ready to take note. Remember, flings are casual, so there's no relationship drama allowed!