How To Handle A First-Time Hookup
About to experience a hookup for the very first time? Congratulations! You're in for a hell of a night! Feeling nervous is totally normal, but it doesn't need to be a stressful experience. In fact, it shouldn't be stressful, and the more you stress about your upcoming hookup, the less you're going to enjoy it. Don't worry though, we're about to tell you exactly how to handle a first-time hookup. By the time you've finished this, you're going to feel ready for what's coming, and totally prepared to have a great night of casual sex!
Hookups are meant to be fun and breezy, so let yourself have fun with it. You don't have to worry about any of the drama that comes with dating, all you have to worry about it being good in bed, and hooking up whenever you want to get laid! Casual sex is fun, but if it's your first time getting into hookup culture, it can seem a little bit scary. It's really not, but you're about to find that out for yourself, and what to do to keep it together and enjoy your first hookup!