Learn How To Assert Yourself If You Want Him To Go Down On You
It is really quite simple to assert yourself in the bedroom (or wherever you
choose to have oral sex with this guy) and that is to be assertive in other
areas of your life. If you start to learn how to ask for things then it will
soon start to pass through into other areas of your life. For instance, if you
are at a grocery store and the guy doesn't ask you if you want a bag, then ask
him for a bag. You will find pretty soon that he gives up and eventually passes
you a plastic, or maybe paper, shopping bag -- whatever the material, it will
indeed be a bag, and that is what you have asked for. Another example would be
if you are a college student, as many people are, and you get a bad grade.
Simply go up to your professor after the lecture you just had and ask him to
increase your grade. After some contemplation, the professor may roll his eyes
and change your grade to a much better one; in fact, he may even give you the
highest grade in your class just for asking for it. Another great example is
automobiles. Now, it may so happen that you want to purchase for your own use a
reasonably expensive motor vehicle. But what do you do if you do not want to pay
full price? Of course, you approach the sales man. Tell him you would very much
like to buy the car in question, but you are a bit short of cash. He will most
likely look you up and down, roll his eyes a few times, sigh into a
handkerchief, and then give you the keys to the car at a greatly reduced price.
Another great example of how you can assert yourself as a woman is to go for
your male boss's job while he is either on holiday, on leave for a death in the
family, or in hospital getting over a serious illness. His superior, upon
receiving your application, may tut a few times, shake his head, and then give
you your boss's office, his job, and his salary, probably with a higher
commission, all because you had the balls to ask for it. Want your man to go
down on you? Be assertive in all areas of your life, and you will soon realize
that it is easily achieved.